The latest stable release of Python is out!

Open-source enthusiasts from all over the world have been working on new, enhanced, and deprecated features in Python for the past year.

Though the beta versions have been rolling out for quite some time, the official release of Python 3.9.0 happened on October 5, 2020.

The official documentation contains all the details of the latest features and changelog. Throughout this post, I’ll walk you through a few cool features that may come in handy in your day-to-day programming tasks.

We’ll check out the following:

  • Type hinting generics and flexible function and variable annotations
  • Union Operators in Dictionaries
  • zoneinfo — Accessing and calculating time zones
  • String methods to remove prefixes and suffixes
  • Other release highlights

To follow along with me or to try out the new features, you should have Python 3.9 installed.

I have used an environment manager called pyenv (alternatively, you can use conda) to get the latest version installed alongside my current version. You can also run it using the official docker image.

Flexible Function and Variable Annotations

Function annotations have been around since Python 3.0 and they enable us to add metadata to Python functions. So, what’s new in Python 3.9?

Python 3.9 added PEP 593. It introduced a mechanism to extend the type annotations from PEP 484 which provides the standard semantic for annotations and suggested that annotations be used for type hinting.

Now, there can be many other use cases for annotations besides type hinting. So PEP 593 introduced typing.Annotated which allows you to add more details to the metadata.

Let’s try to understand this better via an example for both Python 3.8 and 3.9.

Python 3.8

def currency_exchange(eur: "euros", rate: "exchange rate") -> "euro to USD":
    """Converting Euros to USD using the exchange rate"""
    return eur * rate

This is a simple function that converts Euros to USD using the exchange rate. We have used the annotations to serve as documentation for the user.

Python 3.9

from typing import Annotated
def currency_exchange(eur: Annotated[float, "euros"], rate: Annotated[float, "exchange rate"]) -> Annotated[float, "euro to dollars"]:
    """Converting Euros to Dollars using the exchange rate"""
    return eur * rate

Here, we are using the newly introduced Annotated that takes at least two arguments. The first argument (float in the example) establishes the type hint, and the rest of the arguments are arbitrary metadata of the function.

The user/developer can also check these annotations using the __annotations__ attribute:

We can also check the type using the get_type_hint() function:

Type Hinting Generics in Standard Collections

Basic data types like intstr or bool are simple to annotate.

The earlier static typing was built incrementally on top of the existing Python runtime and constrained by it. This led to a duplicated collection hierarchy in the typing module due to the generics – that is, we had both typing.List and the built-in list.

With generics, we have the issue of parameterization due to their storage structure (which is a container). And for these reasons, we have not been able to use list(float) or list[float] as type hints directly. Instead, we needed a typing module to achieve this.

In Python 3.9, this duplicate hierarchy is no longer needed. We can annotate them directly:

scores: list(float)

How to Merge and Update Dictionaries

Two of the coolest and most useful features of Python 3.9 are the merge(|) and update(|=) operators added to the built-in dict class.

The existing (3.8) ways of merging two dicts have many shortcomings:

Python 3.8

  • Dict unpacking looks ugly and is not easily discoverable.
python = {2000: "2.0.1", 2008: "2.6.9", 2010: "2.7.18"}
python3 = {2008: "3.0.1", 2009: "3.1.5", 2016: "3.6.12", 2020: "3.9.0"}

##merging two dictionaries
{**python, **python3}
  • Another method is dict.update which modifies the original dictionary in-place:

Python 3.9

PEP 584 has introduced two new operators for dictionaries:

  • (|) union — to merge two dictionaries. It preserves the original dictionaries.
  • (|=) update — this is for in-place merging of dictionaries.
python = {2000: "2.0.1", 2008: "2.6.9", 2010: "2.7.18"}
python3 = {2008: "3.0.1", 2009: "3.1.5", 2016: "3.6.12", 2020: "3.9.0"}

##merging two dictionaries
python | python3

Preserved original dicts:

python |= python3

The update operator merges the dictionaries and updates the dictionary on the left of the operator while keeping the last values for the overlapping keys in the two dicts.

How to Work with Timezones — ZoneInfo

Dates and time play a central role in many applications. Python offers comprehensive support via the datetime module in the standard library. But there has always been a gap with respect to integrating time zones to these timestamps.

Up until now, we’ve had third party libraries like dateutil to implement such timezone specific rules.

But now Python 3.9 has added a new zoneinfo module that lets you access and use the entire Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) time zone database.

Python 3.8

Until now, we’ve been accessing time zone aware timestamps using the tzinfo argument as follows:

from datetime import datetime, timezone

Python 3.9

But with the addition of zoneinfo, we now have access to the IANA Time Zone Database.

from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo


We can do a bunch of operations with time zones, and interconversion has become very easy:

from datetime import datetime
from zoneinfo import ZoneInfo

post_date = datetime(2020, 10, 10, 18, 10, tzinfo=ZoneInfo("America/Vancouver"))


String methods to remove prefixes and suffixes

PEP 616 has introduced new methods to strip off prefixes and suffixes from strings. The new methods are:

  • removeprefix()
  • removesuffix()

There have been many recurring issues reported across all the major forums (like StackOverflow) around the lstrip() and rstrip() methods.

Python 3.8

We’ve been stripping off characters from either ends of the string using the strip() method as follows:

"Python 3.9 is out".strip(" Python")

This has removed the substring present at the ends of the string. If you look carefully, this has removed the individual characters in “ python” i.e. “ ”, “p”, “y”, “t”, “h”, “o” and “n”.

Python 3.9

To get rid of the prefix from a string, we now have removeprefix():

"Python 3.9 is out".removeprefix("Python ")

You can check this out with a number of other permutations and combinations with the removesuffix() method as well.

Other Release Highlights

Besides these, a number of other features have also been introduced. Here is the list along with the PEP IDs:

  • PEP 617CPython now uses a new parser based on PEG — Python now has a new parser alongside the old LL(1) parser. You can choose to run your program using any of the parsers using the command:
python -X oldparser

PEG parsers are more robust and powerful as per Guido van Rossum’s research (he’s the creator of Python). The PEG parser’s goal would be to produce the same abstract syntax tree (AST) as the old LL(1) parser.

  • Multiphase initialization is now available for use in a number of python modules( audioop_bz2_codecs_contextvars_crypt_functools_json_localemathoperatorresourcetime_weakref)

Here’s an example of calculating GCD/LCM of more than two numbers using the math library:

  • PEP 602 CPython now adopts a new annual release cycle — They will be more consistent with their releases and will get new versions out every October.
  • PEP 614, relaxed grammar restrictions on decorators — a more flexible syntax is now available for people working on GUI frameworks like PyQT. This waives the limitation on decorators consisting of a dotted name. More details can be read here.

To know more about the details of each of these features, head over to the official documentation.


3.9.0 marks a big milestone in the journey of Python’s development and for the community. New enhancements are being added as we speak and 3.10 will also have promising features.