Python loops explained


Python for loop

Let me first show you how a basic for loop in Python looks:

for x in y:
    # Do something

Based on this example, you can already see it translates to:
For each element X inside of statement Y, Evaluate a code block.

Let’s say we have a list with animals and would like to print each animal.

animals = ["cat", "dog", "penguin", "tiger"]
for animal in animals:

This will result in:


We can also use the range to loop x amount of times. Let’s say we want to make a loop go four times.

for item in range(4):
    print("Happy Birthday")

Wil print out:

Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday

Python while loop

Besides the for loop, there is also the option to loop while a certain condition is met.

The basics for a while loop are like this:

while x == True:
    # Do something

With that, we say while X is true, you must keep executing this code block.
If we actually used the code above, we would, however, build an infinite loop.

So let’s make a basic while loop and break it after the first run, so it only executes once

foo = True
while foo == True:
    print("Foo is true")
    foo = False

print("Foo is false now!")

And this code block will return the following:

Foo is true
Foo is false now!

You’ve seen the range option, but we could also use a while loop for that.

number = 2

while number < 5:
    print("Still smaller")
    number = number + 1

This gives us:

Still smaller
Still smaller
Still smaller

And there, you have the basics of two versions to loop code blocks in Python.

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